Sunday, January 24, 2010


"The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." -Zephaniah 3:17

I stumbled across this verse today and was completely swept off my feet. To think that the one who took the time to design each unique pattern of the veins on a leaf, the one who contemplated the function of gravity, the one who constructed the entire solar system, is the same one who sings over each one of us. How can such a great God find delight in a small and fragile human? And it's not only delight, it is GREAT delight! How amazing is our God?! "He will quiet you with his love." That sounds a lot like romance to me. I want to be quieted by his love. I want to feel that peace that comes from having intimacy with Him.
The Creator has designed women to desire to be considered captivating. Women, myself included, long to feel beautiful, strong, and admired. We want someone to be in awe of us. We seek the admiration of a lover. These longings were not designed to be fulfilled by human love and admiration. It was specifically and intricately shaped to be matched with God's love and admiration. Isn't it so comforting to know that we don't need to chase after the attention of others, not being guaranteed of our desired response, but that the one who can truly satisfy our longing is totally and readily available to us, and that He will NEVER fail us? This is incredible! He is captivated by us! His loyalty to us is so astounding....If you truly desire to know how intense God's desire for you is, I would strongly encourage you to read 2 Samuel 22. It is one of my FAVORITE passages, and gives me chills every time I read it. I think it gives us a glimpse of how much God loves us, and how mighty he truly is for saving us.

Many Blessings!

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